
🤔 AlgoHelp 🤝

When in doubt ➡️ ask the community!

built by AwesomeAlgo

How does this work?

Let's say that bob Bob is an engineer working on an exciting new language for Algorand ecosystem that provides some interesting utility. Bob is working hard on a new feature but is lacking time to address some less important tecnical debt (unit tests, infrastructure and so on). Bob decides to ask the community for help. Bob creates an issue on the his repository and simply tags it with the 'algohelp' label. The issue is automatically picked up by the AlgoHelp website.

On the other side is Alice. Alice is an open source contributor and enthusiast of the Algorand ecosystem. Alice is looking for a way to contribute to the community. Alice sees the issue on the AlgoHelp website and decides to help. Alice comments on the issue and Bob gets notified. Bob is happy and Alice is happy 🎉

Depending on popularity of this tool, codebase is to be eventually open sourced, and new features will be added depending on feedback from developers and community. First batch of improvements is going to include search and pagination for the issues.

Click here if you want to integrate `AlgoHelp` with your repository
If you like AwesomeAlgo - please consider giving a star on a repo to support the project

No open issues with `algohelp` tag found
No open issues with `algohelp` tag found
No open issues with `algohelp` tag found
No open issues with `algohelp` tag found
No open issues with `algohelp` tag found
No open issues with `algohelp` tag found
No open issues with `algohelp` tag found
No open issues with `algohelp` tag found
No open issues with `algohelp` tag found
No open issues with `algohelp` tag found
No open issues with `algohelp` tag found
No open issues with `algohelp` tag found